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sebuah alat untuk sterilisasi generasi baru dari Hirayama yang hadir di Indonesia, harga murah dengan dilengkapi dengan beberapa fitur yang menarik yang memudahkan penggunaannya. AUTOCLAVE ini sangat mudah digunakan serta tidak banyak memakan ruangan atau tempat karena memiliki pintu disebelah atas, sehingga pada saat dibuka, tidak banyak ruangan yang dibutuhkan.
Bowie Dick
the VERIFY Bowie Dick Test Pack consists of a series of air removal and steam penetration barriers. A chemical indicator is located in the center of each pack. The test pack is placed directly into an otherwise empty steam sterilizer chamber and does not require a retaining device.
Wide temperature ranges: cover most sensor types with just two units, Fast: Nine minutes to reach temperature, Better accuracy: 0.4°C to 0.2°C, using comparison techniques, Light, compact, and portable, Interchangeable inserts: have one unit with multiple inserts to suite different sensor diameters
Kaye LTR-150 Dry Block and Liquid Bath
The Kaye LTR-150 is the most advanced multi-purpose calibrator specifically designed to address the capacity and flexibility needs for thermal validation. From its ability to calibrate 48 thermocouples capacity, to it’s versatility to function as a Dry Block, Liquid Bath or Surface calibrator, the LTR-150 saves hours of time and effort when calibrating or verifying validation sensors.
Kaye Thermocouple Type T (Ultra Premium)
A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming electrical junctions at differing temperatures. A thermocouple produces a temperature-dependent voltage as a result of the thermoelectric effect
, and this voltage can be interpreted to measure temperature. -
Liquid Bath for Ultra Low Temperature (CTR-80 )
The CTR-80 bath is the ideal unit for calibrating temperature sensors used in freeze dryers, freezers, and ultra-low cryo units. Operating from -80 to 30°C, the CTR-80 brings fast response and high stability to your cold temperature applications. The CTR-80 outperforms all other low temperature baths in its class.